Let love lead. Happy valentines

Let love lead 

       Is it a good sign that this election falls in the month of February a.k.a the month of "love"? or probably a better sign that it comes two days after the actual Valentine's day?. Well i feel its something to be excited about! We would cast our votes based on love for our country and that too me is the best Valentine's gift...

  so if you follow me on Instagram you would notice that plans changed with what i had in mind to wear. This outfit wasn't necessarily planned to be styled like this and i almost did not do this post, "but the show must go on" (in superman's voice and pose *insert laughing emoji*). This was my if life gives you lemons you make lemonade moment. 

  So from not being able to see the colour of fabric i wanted, to actually finally settling for this pepper red, then cutting it realizing the fabric wasn't going to be enough (gosh!), I sewed it anyways then trying it on, it was too too revealing for me. I actually gave up for days but i was inspired to make it work.
So that's my poor narration of my "if life give you lemons you make lemonade" moment. I am really happy at the way it turned out.

What do you think?  Can you wear this without the shirt? 

PS: let love lead. While we are all boo'd up or bae'd up or even just riding solo don't forget God is love 

   Happy Valentine's day from me to you


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