My school and me-From Tay (27/01/2017)

So 27/01/2017 marks the official beginning of a very important aspect of my life.  And to be honest it wasn't easy to get here. But I could say the wait was what while cause I get to study my dream course. I know there are alot of people still chilling, and yes I used the word chill cause my own definition of chilling is basically just waiting in style, so there are people still chilling for their own opportunity to study their dreams courses, I just want to tell you keep believing and have faith in God and I promise ur wait will be worth while, you know God's time is the best
       It's one of the problems we face in this country (Nigeria) really, where getting into the University is so hard that alot of us in one way or the other are forced to make alternatives either by accepting a course u have probably never heard of or pretty much leaving the country to study else where. It's really just so sad but I am hopeful for this. 

          So about me and my school 
I am an architecture student in the University of uyo..uyo is the capital of akwa ibom in Nigeria and it is different from calabar which is the capital of cross river.. Alot of Nigerians assume they are, lol cause I was one of them before I came down here.
 And no am not from akwa ibom my mum is neither from akwa ibom. 
And yes architecture was what I have always wanted to study, that's if I was going to school to study a professional course

This are just some answers to some random questions I get daily. 
Well one thing I really love about uyo is the whether, compared to the northern part of Nigeria where the heat is deadly, here on the other hand is really cool surprisingly rain still falls even in the harmattan.. 
Also I have really gotten to meet some really nice people here so that's a plus 
Then the ascent, Oh my!.. Lol I don't think I could talk about my school and my experience so far without talking about the ascent. In fact I will not explain much about it,i will just leave u with this and let ur imagination do the rest (it sounds like Nigerian version of Chinese) 
The food... Well since the southern part of akwa ibom shares boundary with the Atlantic Ocean.. You will tend to see alot of fresh fish and all

which is really nice
My studio my studio.. As an architecture student your studio is like ur second house... Where you spend most of your time especially when there is a project then we literally sleep there. 
     The experience so far has been cool.. Will be happy to share more of my experiences here
    So what I wore is a red off the shoulder cape from one of my previous post and I wore the matching high waisted pencil skirt..if you are in uyo or Abuja u could place your order (IG: tay_aror or tay_gee_ree 
    The month is almost over how was your BRAVERY journey? Look forward to the next word for the month

Leave comments below thanks love you


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