Fickle Fashion

It's a new month! September is here and it's yet another opportunity to be bold and colorful. Neutral colors are great but when was the last time you wore red lipstick and bold prints.

 Now is a good time as any to do just that. Today's post is about telling you to ditch business as usual and dare to explore your style and find your beautiful. Experiment with patterns, colors and bold prints and tell your personal style story.

Our personal style is influenced by trends that are changing very rapidly, but they are also influenced by where we are in our lives at every point in time. 

Fashion will not be the same next year as it is today and we should accept that change but what we shouldn't do is let it change us. We shouldn't let things as fickle as the latest trends dictate to us what is beautiful and what's out of style. 

Fashion is different everywhere and is constantly moving from one era to the next.

We should recognize that our style is who we are. And who we are cannot change as quickly as things go in and out of style. 

Maybe we should hold on to trends that make us comfortable or allow us feel beautiful and expressive a little longer. And when we close one chapter in our personal style story, we can welcome the new phase with an open mind and ready to explore.

But, just a warning, while you are finding your own style, there will be days when you'll look like a clown threw up on you. And that's okay too.

Thanks you for reading ❤️


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