To what extent is content

        First off, let’s know what content means.
Cambridge English dictionary defines “content” as “Being pleased with your situation and not hoping for change or improvement”
Oxford dictionary defines it as “ a state of peaceful happiness” 

        So basically to be satisfied, right? Good!
        My question is where do you draw that imaginary line that differentiates hustle and content. 
        Social media and motivational quotes do a really good job at confusing us.
The issue comes from the false image the world is constantly trying to feed us of how happiness should look like...... like! the whole flashi cars....,30 billion in the account,the genetically impossible body, mansions....etc a life that 99% of people might never be able to have. 

        You know Happiness is in a way synonymous to being content. In pursuit of the painted image of “happiness” a lot of people now are cutting corners , trading authentic happiness and peace of mind for this false paintings of happiness, rushing to this unrealistic life.
        You see, when you hustle, all your attention most a-times is on the things you don’t have, a better life, to get that dream car.... etc then we loose sight of the things we do have and suddenly depression kicks in... you are suddenly lost in the whole “hustle”.
  After a long conversation with a couple of people, I just got another really important question that will immediately answer all my questions. “Why do you hustle?”
     J,cole said “ , goodnews is you have gone a long way 
    Bad news is you went the wrong way”
   So while you are personally taking your time to answer this question, have in mind what is really important and what makes you happy then stay true to your hustle.

    So to answer the question that started this long talk “to what extent is content?” 
  Love where you are at,appreciate your current situation and never trade your happiness for anything in the world...


  1. Being Contented is one of the most important thing in life. It's one of the most important thing we need to school our self on. We humans lack it. It's never enough 🙄. me myself is guilty of that. But thank u for making awareness and educating us on it .


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